ANWB's mission and ambition
It is our mission to help everyone on their way careless and joyfully in a sustainable environment. Based on this mission and ambition, ANWB Innovation has its own strategic innovation priorities.
The electrification of our means of transport and homes is in full swing. At ANWB, we believe that we are still a long way from smart sustainable energy solutions that are feasible, accessible and affordable for everyone. This is where the ANWB can really make a difference: making the transition to electric driving easier and keep electricity – not only related to the car – sustainable and affordable for everyone.
ANWB wants to keep it possible for everyone to get out and about, in line with a sustainable and inclusive society. We see that our healthcare system is under pressure due to increasing demand and insufficient supply. We want to support and protect our members` health by keeping the necessary assistance accessible, available and affordable. We`re searching for proven solutions and partners with whom we can join forces, to keep our members healthy and/or help them to recover. So they can and will continue to go out and about.
We rather help than insure. By focusing on prevention rather than insurance as a last resort, when it is too late. At home or en route. Technology can make an important contribution to this, both in identifying and analyzing risks and in repairing or compensating damage as quickly as possible. The sharing economy also challenges us. Insurance is increasingly becoming part of propositions, products and services in that business model.
We want to broaden from just roadside assistance to mobility in all its forms, by helping our members to make the transition to sustainable forms of mobility that are affordable and accessible for everyone. We will do this by offering relevant and distinctive products and services, through which and/or with which our members can go out hassle-free and rely upon us if something goes wrong en route. Of course we try to avoid the latter as much as possible for them. For example, by introducing smarter solutions and ways-of-working, offering assistance on location, take full advantage of the available (car) data et cetera.
Tourism and recreation
ANWB as starting point for all outings, day trips and holidays. We want to make going on holidays and getting out and about for all possible Dutch people as fun and enjoyable as possible. We would like to be everyone`s personal guide. The ideal travel buddy that you can always rely on – no matter what!